The program for Social Media and Social Movements is ready
The Laboratory for Internet Studies (LINIS), which is the organizer of the event, has published the final program of the international conference Social Media and Social Movements.

Program for the Conference has been prepared
As an orginizer, Internet Research Laboratory (LINIS) has published a program for the conference Social Media and Social Movements. Together with the program, links to the abstracts of key speakers and participants have also published.

Deadline for Abstracts Extended
Dear participants we inform you that the official deadline for abstracts is extended to August 18.
The List of Participants for SMSM 2014 Has Been Finalized
The official list of accepted participants for the conference has been completed.
Registration for LINIS conference is open
The Laboratory for Internet Studies of Higher School of Economics opens registration for the conference Social Media and Social Movements.
Conference "Social Media and Social Movements" 2014 CALL FOR PAPAERS
Laboratory for Internet Studies is pleased to announce its second conference on Internet research. This year we focus on analyzing relationships between social media and social movements.
Conference Dates
Deadline for submissions: 20 May 2014 at 23:59
Decisions: 16 June 2014
Abstracts by: 18 Aug 2014
Conference: Thurs 18 - Fri 19 Sept 2014